10 Q's with Amanda McReynolds Doran | Nonprofit Recruitment Firm

Staff Profile: Amanda McReynolds Doran

How long have you been with Charity Search Group?

I’ve been with CSG since August of 2022.

What is your favorite part about working at Charity Search Group?

I appreciate the opportunity to work with so many different nonprofit organizations, learning about each one’s needs, goals, and mission.

What does your job entail?

I work with our clients to first identify and prioritize their needs. Then, I reach out to strong candidates who might be a great fit for the organization, interview interested applicants, and build profiles that highlight each candidate’s unique skills and experience. Then I help our clients to choose their top candidates and build a constructive interview process that will help them identify which applicant will best fit their needs. Lastly, I help negotiate offers and finalize the hire to ensure that both the successful candidate and the organization have everything in place to ensure a smooth onboarding.

What do you think makes Charity Search Group unique?

Our team has such broad experience and expertise. For every charity that seeks our services, we have team members with applicable expertise. We can truly tailor our services to meet the needs of the client, and we understand our clients’ needs.

What’s one thing people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to find out?

My husband and I have lived in four different countries together, and our children have lived in three!

How have you been involved in the nonprofit sector in the past? 

My career in the nonprofit sector began with providing direct services for children in the care of the state. From there, I transitioned into administrative services and fundraising. I have also served in the roles of Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer.  Throughout my career, I have worked in organizations serving women and children – from children’s museums to crime victims services. I am now enjoying the opportunity to connect with a variety of organizations and help them find the leaders and team members they need to succeed.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love travel, reading, and outdoor living, but I am happiest when spending time with my family.

What causes are you passionate about?

I have worked and volunteered for organizations serving women and children since 1998. I have seen first-hand the impact that empowering women and supporting children can have on a community.  I am an advocate for human rights, gender equity, racial justice, and religious freedom, and I am continually learning and working on becoming a better human.

What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

There are always multiple paths to success. The “right” path often is neither the easiest nor the quickest.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Mission-driven, thorough, dedicated.

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